
all about JEAN

LiveJournal | Multiply | elitejean@gmail.com

Web Name:eliteJEAN
Nicknames: Jean, Peach, Momo..
Birthday: October 12
Yahoo ID: ryiennetheelite
Email: elitejean@gmail.com

Hey guys, it's Jean!! most people online know me as "kwuintesence" or "eLiTe_Jean" Anyway, welcome to my blog!! Feel Free to browse around. (current lovely layout/skin is not mine! i'm too lazy to make my own! i did however move and switch stuff around!!)

Oh, I forgot...I'm suppose to tell you a bit more about myself. Well, for starters..im a crazy little (i'm only 5'1) girl in a seriously messed up but fun world. (I hope that made sense.) As for my current location, it's in Los Angeles, CA (but I would prefer "LaLaLand!!" from the figment of my imagination) I love to make graphics and read graphic novels!! I love watching movies, asian dramas and animes!! I also love to listen to some music while singing and dancing like an idiot (whether someone is looking or not!!) If I'm not at home you would most likely find me at Korea Town doing "purikura" or at Little Tokyo eating chocolate filled cream puff's at "beard papa's". I'm a HUGE shopping addict, i shop and shop until i have not a cent left on my being. I like to read fanfics on my free time. Lately I've been listening to tons of korean, japanese and taiwanese music. Also, I have a huge weakness for cute things!! I don't cook too often but I think I'm pretty decent at it, since no one has died eating the food I made...yet! I usually hang out in Korea Town (cause i live near there), Little Tokyo (they have so much interesting stuff there), China Town (because the food is cheap there), LA's Fashion District (because i work there). Most likely this blog will be a dump of sorts..from my graphics to ramblings. Anyhooot, that's about it. This thing is getting longer and longer. I'll take off for now my loves. Happy days guys and I hope to get along well with all of you.If you want to get to know me more, just talk to me!! you can e-mail me anytime. Enjoy my blog and happy days :]


Links and Stuff^^
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:

my myspace page ♥ please do add me!! my multiply ♥ my deviantart ♥ my livejournal ♥ kristin & kayla ♥ summer yu's blog ♥ princess emily ♥ superniknok's blog ♥ kaye's blog ♥ huay wen of Support FRH ♥ weiting of ITIF ♥ edgar'sblog ♥

other unworldly places

past entries

layout credit
* étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

title: Of Taxes and Fangirls...
date: Sunday, February 1, 2009
time:2:03 AM

Hello guys!! As always, another late night post from me.
Before I start ranting, I have to greet "lovelyable"
a very very happy birthday!!

here's a little something for you (lovelyable) because i checked out your bday post awhile ago.
i noticed fanart so i made this. it's not that good but i hope it gets the message across.
again, happy birthday!! i hope you have a really great one!!


Last Thursday, I went to H&R Block to take care of my taxes and stuff.
I left with a heavy heart!! Based on the paperwork I handed in,
I am to pay $869.00 feral taxes and $330.00 for California = total is $1119.00
Darn it!! Such a huge amount!! I can use that money for a trip or something.
All my other friends are getting tax returns/refunds except me.
So is my mother and some of my relatives.

Mom tried to make me feel better by saying:
"aren't you glad it's just a little over a thousand? it could have been more!!"
(seriously, mom shouldn't you be on my side and not the IRS side?!)
they already take out so much from my paycheck too!!
i feel better about it now. my agent says i can start paying it around May.
i will definitely pay it off before the end of the year!! (as always)
America, I want to get tax refunds too!! I've never gotten one ever and I always have to pay!!
Can't you sympathize with me a bit here and cut me some slack...???

To make myself feel better, I called my BFF. Once I got home, I cheered myself up on youtube.
(i cannot get over) watching hikaru, massu and invisible drums really cracked me up :]
Another is massu+panda!! hahahaha!!
yes, i had spent about 2 hours laughing at the funny things NEWS boys do on youtube..

here are the links to the clips: click to watch!!



I felt so much better about it by Friday night <3
I skipped hanging out with friends that night and opted to buy dinner for mom and my younger sis.
We decided on japanese food and because massu+drums cheered me up the night before,
i had purchased gyoza!! there's also "miso soup" (tegomass)!!
yeah, and i got some takoyaki too along with large orders of grilled squid and albacore tuna!!

Tomorrow I am going to my grandparents house!! (grandma is attempting to make me feel better.)
She said to come early so that i don't go home too late.
most likely, she will cook something for me again.
i'm bringing documents over too for grandpa to look over.


I spent the entire day at home today!!
I feel very proud of myself for finishing the new SPIO layout.
I started and finished it today!! I photoshopped the banners and buttons and put them all up today!!
you can check it out at: http://sandara-park.forumotion.com/
the staff members and everyone else there will most likely be surprised.
The theme change was very sudden and was unannounced.

Also, I watched JUST episode 2 of "Loss Time Life"
All because Koyama is there!! I'm so glad I finally watched it!!
Keii-chan's character did a 180 in 45 minutes.
I don't want to say too much because i don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it.
If you haven't seen it, please watch it now!! It's a different but still very lovable Koyama.
I really hope I can watch "CALL"

Today I also watched "VOICE" (episode 1 and 2, thanks to the subbers for all their hard work!!)
I liked the story of this drama a lot!!
It reminded me of the mangas "the embalmer" and "kurosagi corpse delivery"
I can't wait to see the next episodes!!
(I'm watching "maou" too, will be watching episode 5 soon)

Other things I can't wait to see include Tegoshi's movie with Maki Horikita,
REMOTE (with Koichi, the manga was good!!), and some others.. (it slipped my mind just now...)
Oh, and RESCUE with Massu!! Someone posted screencaps of it. (thanks!!)
At first I didn't like the sudden haircut. I missed his old hair and longed for it.
Looking at him now, his hair seemed to have made him more mature.
From being the sweet adorable massu to a more adult feeling massu.
I guess this is good too, since he is already in his early 20s.
At this point, I'm totally okay with his hair. Honestly, I kind of like it now :]
whether it grows back or not, I no longer care.

This post has gotten so much longer!! I'll be off now.
I just re-read it now and noticed that it's a little all over the place.
I guess this is okay because at the moment this is really how I am.
Next week, I will train a new office assistant.
Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from now on...

have a great night guys & thanks for reading ^_________^

PS: Mom just watched all of HYD including the movie. Now she's MatsuJun fangirl too!!
Not only that, she's been begging me to give her the MP3 of DBSK's "doushite"
Mom, whatever happened to your Big Bang "Lies" addiction and Dean Fujioka?!!


i took this from "silver881" of LJ(thanks again!!)

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Jerica
2. A four letter word: Jump
3. A boy's name: James
4. A girl's name: Jean
5. An occupation: Jobber(wholesale)
6. A color: Jazzberry Jam (thank you Rachel & Crayola!!)
7. Something you wear: Jacket
9. A food: jack cheese (it's yummy & good for you)
10. Something found in the bathroom: Johnson's body wash
11. A place: Japan
12. A reason for being late: Jadedness
13. Something one shouts: JIRO!! (FRH fans shout it!!)
14. A movie title: Jenny Juno (^______^)
15. Something you drink: Juice
16. A musical group: Jackson 5
17. An animal: Jackal
18. A street name: Jackson (NY)
19. A type of car: Jeep
20. The title of a song: Just want you to know - BSB

Tagging: feel free to take, i don't know who to tag!!

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